Sunday, 20 February 2022 15:41

Academic and other publications

Some of my publications appear on my profile

The complete list is below!!!!  with links to Open Access.


Please ask if you would like to discuss about any of these. Use the "comment" button below each blog entry after registering in the blog, or send me an email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Any comments, ideas, questions, resonances, memories, suggestions are welcome! 

Grazie! Thank you!



  • Bell, A., Del Negro, G., Luraschi, S. & Sossi, M. (2024) ‘Hybrid Women’. In D. Clover, S.A. Brown, N. Kazmi, K. Sanford & Y. Zhao (curators) VISIBILITY / INVISIBILITY. Gendered (re)orderings. Online Feminist exhibition, University of Victoria, Canada [Exhibition catalogue]. Open Access:
  • Del Negro, G. & Brambilla, F. (2024) ‘Apprendimento permanente e coinvolgimento di partner esterni all'Università’. EPALE Journal of Adult and Continuing Education, 2023(1), 36-42. ISSN PDF Open Access: 2532-7801 EPALE Journal [online]
  • Bell, A., Del Negro, G., Luraschi, S., Sossi, M. (2024) ‘Building a boat for tempestuous times / Stories of sirens not semen: Hybrid Women with bodies of birds, heads of humans and souls of love’. In M. Cestarić & A. Balić (eds) Arfulness Journal of Visual Essays 2024, Zbornik Radova S Konferencije ARTFULNESS CROATIA 2023 (pp. 8-15). Učiteljski fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu. ISBN PDF Open Access: 978-953-380-017-2
  • Del Negro, G. & Luraschi, S. (2024) ‘“Born in the first light of the morning”: Feminist pedagogy in art museums and exhibitions toward a new professional development of care’. Dialogues in Social Justice, 8(2). Open Access
  • Del Negro, G. & Ferrari, C. (2024) ‘Emancipazione femminile e tecnologie. Un dialogo per riflettere sulla dimensione digitale nell’attivismo delle donne’. In M. Rondonotti (ed) Tecnologie, comunità, inclusione sociale (pp. 85-110). eCampus University Press.
  • Formenti, L., Galimberti, A., & Del Negro, G. (2023) (eds.) New seeds for a world to come. Politics, practices and lives in adult education and learning. Proceedings of the 10th ESREA Triennial conference, University of Milano Bicocca, Department of Human Sciences for Education, 29 september – 1 October 2022. ISBN PDF Open Access: 978-88-5526-918-6
  • Del Negro, G. & Di Giorgi, S. (2022) ‘Come sognano le organizzazioni. Il Social Dreaming al servizio della cultura aziendale. Conversazione con Franca Fubini, psicoterapeuta e consulente d’organizzazione’, Persone&Conoscenze. La voce della Direzione del Personale, n.162, 46-50, ESTE.
  • Del Negro, G., Luraschi, S., Delorenzi, C., & El Saadany, D. (2022). ‘Ospitare/Hosting Others: Looking for Traces of Transformation in Adults Through Somatic and Artistic Relational Work’. Teraźniejszość–Człowiek–Edukacja, 24(2 (92)), 9-30. ISSN PDF Open Access: 1505-8808
  • Formenti, L., Luraschi, S. & Del Negro, G. (2022) ‘Bringing Reserch Into Life: An Experience of feminist Practice with Artists’. In D. Clover, K. Harman & K. Sanford (eds.) Feminism, Adult Education and Creative Possibility. Imaginative Responses (pp.115-128). Bloomsbury Critical Education.
  • Del Negro, G. (2022) ‘Behind the cotton wool… knowing and transformation through aesthetic reflexivity’. In D. Loads, A. Gavrielatos & E. Effrosiny (eds.) Transformative Learning Theory and Praxis (pp. 110-127) London: Routledge.
  • Del Negro, G. (2021) ‘La formazione come ascolto. Metodi sensoriali per crescere’, Persone&Conoscenze. La voce della Direzione del Personale, n.149, 44-48, ESTE.
  • Del Negro, G. (2021). ‘Profession Reimagined: Tackling Adult Educators’ Alienation through Multimodal Ways of Knowing’. In Bainbridge, A., Formenti, L., and West, L. (eds.) Discourses, Dialogue and Diversity in Biographical Research. An Ecology of Life and Learning (pp. 186-202) Leiden: Brill.
  • Rothe, A., Del Negro, G., & West, L. (2021). ‘The professional is personal, the personal is professional? Towards re-conceptualising professionalism: a scientific and personal dialogue’. Dyskursy Młodych Andragogów/Adult Education Discourses, (22), pp. 231-246.
  • Formenti, L., Luraschi, S. & Del Negro, G. (2020) ‘Signs images words from 1968: from duoethnographic enquiry to a dialogic pedagogy. In K. Sanford, D. Clover, N. Taber, & S. Williamson (eds.) Feminist Critique and the Museum: Educating for a Critical Consciousness (pp. 115-134).
  • Formenti, L., Luraschi, S., and Del Negro, G. (2020) ‘Connective Cards to Interrogate the Museum’. In Clover, D. E., Suriani Dzulkifli, Gelderman, H., & Sanford, K.(eds.) A Feminist Adult Education Guide to Aesthetic, Creative and Disruptive Strategies in Museums and Community. University of Victoria Gender Justice, Creative Pedagogies and Arts- Based Research Group. Retrieved from
  • Bainbridge, A. & Del Negro, G. (2019) ‘An Ecology of Transformative Learning: A Shift From the Ego to the Eco’, Journal of Transformative Education, DOI: 10.1177/1541344619864670
  • Bainbridge, A., Reid, H., & Del Negro, G. (2019). ‘Towards a Virtuosity of School Leadership: clinical support and supervision as professional learning’. Professional Development in Education, 1-13.
  • Formenti, L., Luraschi, S., & Del Negro, G. (2019). ‘Relational aesthetics. A duoethnographic research on feminism’. European journal for research on the education and learning of adults, 10(2), 123-141. DOI 10.3384/rela.2000-7426.rela9144
  • Del Negro, G. & Formenti, L. (2019) ‘What’s in the making of a ‘collective mind’?’. In L. Garrino & B. Bruschi (eds.) ‘Togetherness’ and its discontents (pp. 27-42). Torino: PensaMultimedia
  • Tuppen-Corps, A., & Del Negro, G. (2019) ‘Tales of Transformational Encounter in Digital Arts Practice: Co-forming Connective Togetherness through Techno-Sensual Acts of Love’. In L. Garrino & B. Bruschi (eds.) ‘Togetherness’ and its discontents (pp. 445-473) Torino: PensaMultimedia
  • Del Negro, G. (2019) 'Transitional/translational spaces: evocative objects as triggers for self-negotiation'. In M. Campbell & R. Vidal (eds.) Translating across Sensory and Linguistic Borders. Intersemiotic journeys between media. (pp. 311-334) London: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Del Negro, G. (2017) ‘Thinking through evocative, cultural objects to construct an inclusive learning environment’. Adult education for inclusion and diversity, Proceedings of the 2017 Conference of SCUTREA. 4-6 July. Edinburgh, UK: SCUTREA and CREID. Retrieved 10 July, from: (Vincitrice del Premio Tilda Gaskell)
  • Cappa, F. and Del Negro, G. (2016) (eds.) Jack Mezirow. La teoria dell’apprendimento trasformativo. Imparare a pensare come un adulto. Milano: Raffaello Cortina.
  • Del Negro, G. (2016) ‘Searching together for our embedded theories. On co-operative reflective practices in higher education’. In R. Evans (ed.) Before, besides, and after (beyond) the biographical narrative (pp. 463-477). Duisburg: Nisaba Verlag.
ORCID: 0000-0001-7863-5450